Friday, 29 May 2015

Lady Gaga Presentation

                                                     Presentation from VonNielsenR

From Lady Gaga's website you can see images of her on every page, these images show that Lady Gaga dresses in eccentric fashion and is quirky. 

The  most recent campaign she has launched is her collaboration with Tony Bennet. She uses different photos and album covers to attract the audience and illustrate the type of music. Her most recent music videos are uploaded to YouTube which are displayed on her website. Most of these are with Tony, a lot of them are already on Tony's YouTube. Tony's fans will also be encouraged to watch Gaga's videos because of this, she is widening her target audience,

Lady Gaga's artwork for her albums is very reflective of her music. They are often self portraits showing her artistic flair. They are also usually singles art work. This shows she is interested in broadening her image.

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