Friday, 29 May 2015

Lady Gaga Presentation

                                                     Presentation from VonNielsenR

From Lady Gaga's website you can see images of her on every page, these images show that Lady Gaga dresses in eccentric fashion and is quirky. 

The  most recent campaign she has launched is her collaboration with Tony Bennet. She uses different photos and album covers to attract the audience and illustrate the type of music. Her most recent music videos are uploaded to YouTube which are displayed on her website. Most of these are with Tony, a lot of them are already on Tony's YouTube. Tony's fans will also be encouraged to watch Gaga's videos because of this, she is widening her target audience,

Lady Gaga's artwork for her albums is very reflective of her music. They are often self portraits showing her artistic flair. They are also usually singles art work. This shows she is interested in broadening her image.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Like A Girl Campaign

Chapter Three

What is a campaign?


Always started a campaign to boost girls self confidence. This works with their product as it's a female product. It also uses the hashtag #LikeAGirl to spread awareness. 

click here V for website campaign.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Last Years Music Video's

Chapter Two

This is some of last years work.
There are several videos on YouTube 'Hurtwood House Media'
They are usually pop videos.

And an older one- This video got quite a lot of success on YouTube. It has nearly 25,000 views.

A2 Media Studies

Chapter One

I'm ready to start the A2 course which consists on creating, filming and editing a music video. It also looks at the distribution and marketing. 


" A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options.
- A website homepage for the band
-A digipak for the album's release
- A magazine advertisement for the digipak "



Monday, 25 May 2015

AS is Over

I'm thrilled to say I've completed my AS Media Studies. I have learnt a phenomenal amount and will continue to use these skills in my final A level year.

I feel my exam went very smoothly and enjoyed every moment of my coursework.

Come on then, 

BRING ON A2 and the sequel to my diary.

This desert island represents my struggles and discoveries throughout AS. The three suns represent each term, each dragon represents each big project within that term, one being the beginning of media AS, the next being my coursework and the third being my AS exam. The first aid kit represents my diabetes and the eggs and hill represent the start of A2 and the big step up.