Monday, 15 June 2015

Creative Apps

Chapter Eleven

I am looking at creative technology to improve my blogging and my method of research and organisation. There are lots of apps online to aid this. 

A mind-mapping and organisation tool such as Dipity can help plan ahead for a shoot or reminders and act as a simple calendar. It is also useful for looking back at projects and timed projects. It can also be used to search for the history of artists and their context.

This is a timeline created to represent Nirvana's career. It shows the key points in the band and their members life. It's helpful to discover the context of the band without searching through pages of wikipedia pages finding the key events. 

It also allows you to add events that you think are missing and view the timeline as a text or flip book to see the photos.

To create an original cartoon and slideshow PowToon is incredible simple and impressive looking application.

The home page is simple and easy to follow.

My final comic style creation is made with Make Believe Comix It's a fun way to express a subject or answer FAQ's.

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