Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Links To My Evaluation Questions And Order




After this was uploaded to Youtube, I added annotations which you can now see in the video.

Task One -

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Part One

Part Two

Part Three


Task Two -

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Part One 

Task Three -

What Institution Would Make Your Film?

 Part One

Part Two

Part Three


Task Four -

Create a profile of who would be the target audience for your thriller. 

Part One

Task Five -

How Did You Attract & Address Your Audience

Part One 
Part Two

Task Six -

What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Part One

Part Two

Task Seven -

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? 

Part One

Part Two





Monday, 16 March 2015

Task Five [Part Two] Crime Thrillers

Chapter Sixty-Three

The Sub Genre- Crime Thrillers

Here is my Prezi on the Sub Genre of Crime Thrillers


Friday, 13 March 2015

Day Five

Chapter Sixty-Two

Software; Adobe Premiere Pro.

Project; Evangeline.

Date; Fri 27 Jan.

With help from Matt, An Original score was created and mixed into the opening sequence, the music built up and gets tense.

For the titles I decided to copy photographs of keys off the internet and cut them out in Photoshop. I removed all colour and saturation from them to make them look bklack and white.

I then added them into the titles and scaled them down, rotated them, moved them around to make the titles more exciting.

This was my favorite part of the editing. I think the keys looked really cool and original.


Task Six- EXTRA [YouTube]

Chapter Sixty-One


What Is You Tube?

YouTube is an online video-sharing website which allows anyone to create a YouTube channel and upload videos of people, music, film, anything. Anyone can view the videos without having to register or sign up.

Some people who have many views and have made the correct arrangements can make some money off their videos, these must include non-copyright music and original ideas.


Chapter Sixty

Here is my final media product, Evangeline.

Task 1 - Part 3

Chapter Fifty-Nine


The titles are the main feature in my title sequence, I used two keyholes passing over each other to reveal the title. Each name has a key logo next to it, there are five different key logos. This is quite artistic compared to other thriller titles therefore challenging the real media projects. Many titles in real opening sequences appear to coincide with the music. 

This builds tension and can draw attention to the title.

The ideas of domestic violence and use of set are all very naturalistic. The plot can be seen as very real, the idea of the doctor being psychologically unstable is less 'real' though.

The fear of ones own death is a very serious, real life disorder but it's very rare.

Task 1- PART 2

Chapter Fifty-Eight

Evangeline is a character  based plot. The characters tell the story and all the characters have a role in telling the narrative. The narrative was decided from Evangeline's point of view, The story is shot around her explorations.

Several thin gs are represented in Evangeline. The theme of domestic violence is represented through Michael and the sister's relationship. Gender and image stereotypes are represented in the opening sequence. I challenged several stereotypes and thriller archetypes in the opening sequence through representation. I didn't use any guns, I feel these are more associated with action thrillers. I also plan to have the female become more prominent as the heroin in Evangeline as the story progresses.

These are the top ten psychological thrillers [in one persons opinion].  They all are related and grouped as a specific sub genre.

Task 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Chapter Fifty-Seven

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My media product is in the form of a visual opening sequence to a thriller film. It involves a few simple shots which have been cut and arranged together with several title sequences passing through. I researched several different opening sequences to see the variety used in this form.

I liked the idea of catch me if you can having an animated opening sequence. I feel it leaves more to the imagination. I also think it doesn't distract from the names and titles. I did not have the skills to create an animated opening sequence though.

This opening sequence to 'The girl with the dragon tattoo' is more similar to Evangeline because they use titles in between short shorts of action. I also like the music and use of light and dark.
We chose thriller as our genre because I like the suspense and excitement built through seeing small shots of action interrupted by titles. The film Taken influenced our thriller because it is in the same genre although Taken consists of more action. In thriller opening sequences usually the protagonist is shown and the theme begins light and happy but changes very quickly to show something isn't right.

 We used a lot of titles and logos in our opening sequence. It gives little of the action away but still attracts the audience. They keys used in the titles were created and edited into the frame using photoshop and adobe premiere pro. They show the audience the theme is keyholes and keys. 
We do see domestic violence towards the end of the thriller though, expressing darker themes.

There is some foreshadowing in my opening sequence. We are unaware of what the girl is looking at until the sound indicates she is not alone behind the door. We also know there is a key theme because of the keys used next to the titles. We know the film will be thrilling as the music suggests something is about to happen. The silence at the beginning shows Evangeline's lack of understanding and the unexpected event she is about to witness.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Day Four

Chapter Fifty-Five

Software; Adobe Premiere Pro.

Project; Evangeline.

Date; Thu 26 Jan.


I spent today researching and learning how to add in titles to my opening sequence. 

I discovered the order than names should be added an dhow they should appear on the screen. I decided for Evangeline that the titles should appear throughout the most part of the opening sequence.

Our titles will appear in a scratchy, text and will pop up on the screen and fade off again. This will be effective for the disappearing theme throughout the whole of Evangeline. 


Day Three

Chapter Fifty-Four

Software; Adobe Premiere Pro.

Project; Evangeline.

Date; Wed 25 Jan.


This is a video on panning in audio on Premiere. It explains what and how to pan sound through the  left and right speakers.

To make the process eaiser I chose one sound file and deleted the extra. I then moved them all into the same row.

Day Two

Chapter Fifty-Three

Software; Adobe Premiere Pro.

Project; Evangeline.

Date; Tue 24 Jan.

On the second day 0f editing, I began to cut the extra dialogue at the start of the shot [ie. standby, camera rolling, action.] and the dialogue at the end [cut].

I also unlinked both left and right audio from the visual, this wasn't necessary at this stage but was helpful as we wanted to make the audio fit [semi-correct] early on. We would focus on this more later. 

I then cut all the shorts to the correct length and made sure the story made sense visually. I made sure Evangeline's eyes were following what was happening through the keyhole. This was a very effective eye line match technique.


Task Seven. Part Two.

Chapter Fifty- Two:


What different skills have you learned about film making?

I have learned how to create an atmosphere within a set and make it look professional through a camera and on the screen. I have learned that film making is made up of two sections. Filming and Editing. After these sections a film is produced and distributed. I have learned the importance of naturalism and how to make sense of a story line by matching shots in editing. I have learned techniques such as cutting and cropping shots and audio



What have you learned from the prelim task which you then used in the shoot?  i.e. camera shot composition/ importance of framing etc.

In the prelim shoot I learned how to take shots from different angles and widths, these two techniques were important on giving the character status and showing different emotions. Framing is important as some shots will show the setting which is an important element the audience will need to know. I learned the importance of the 180 degree rule and how to check continuity. 

What did you learn from the editing process?  How have you used and demonstrated continuity through
·         match on action
I used match on action shots to show the man putting a girl into the car. This came in handy if the original shot wasn't long enough or not usable. It also built tension as the cut to the close up on her feet because we couldn't see who was in the car.
·         the use of a shot reverse shot
I used a shot reverse shot on Evangeline's eye so the viewer can see what she is looking at and especially her reaction to what she is seeing. I also incorporated an EYE LINE MATCH into the shot reverse shot.
·         the 180 degree rule
This was very important to film this correctly as the 180 degree rule deciphers how the audience view the action. If the 180 degree rule is broken the actors will have appeared to have swapped sides. This will make the film look naff and confused the audience.
Do you feel that you have become an accomplished film maker as a result?

I feel accomplished as an opening sequence maker. I also feel accomplished as a consumer and researcher.

How do you feel that you have a media product that has been uploaded on You Tube?  Is this progress because you have now become a amateur film maker who understands the process?

This is definitely something. I spent a lot of time and planning on this sequence and for it to be finished and available to the public is a good accomplishment as a student. I think I have learned a lot from it and could recreate the process better and better the more I do it. 

Task Six - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

 Chapter Fifty-One:

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt a lot while constructing my opening sequence to the thriller Evangeline. In terms of online technologies, for the Pre-Production, before I began filming I used Blogger, to plan out shots and the plot of the opening sequence. I blogged research on other opening sequences and thrillers by finding them on YouTube also. The software I used to edit the material I had filmed was Adobe Premier Pro. I really enjoyed using this software as it is a new software to me, I previously have only used Final Cut Pro and iMovie. This was a new option for Post-Production editing in my opinion it was the best.   On the day where Production was due to start I used hardware including A Sony NX5 film camera to capture the material I would later edit and my iPhone 5 to record what happened throughout the day via photographs. On the NX5 I learnt to use the focus, zoom, white balance, exposure and record buttons. I used two Online Technologies to find sound for my thriller. I used YouTube to search for copyright free music, and SoundCloud for sound effects.
In Post-Production, there were a lot of tools to learn about before I could begin editing my thriller. I learnt how to create a Bin. I also learnt how to move Rushes into the bin. I began Cutting the rushes using the I and O buttons on the keyboard. I then ordered them so the clips could change in the right places. To make clips longer or shorter I learnt to use the Arrow tool which is enabled by pressing V. I learnt it was possible to Unlink sound which is important if it needs to be dubbed over a visual slide. Once sound and video were sorted I needed to add in Titles. There is a tab for this. Finally I Exported the video into a film and it was available to upload to the Online Broadcasting Network YouTube.