Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Thriller Costume

Chapter Thirty-Two:

"Impossible only means you haven't found the solution yet."

Costume & Props For Evangeline

For our thriller Evangeline, we need to organise props and costume as we will be shooting on FRIDAY 13th FEBRUARY 2015

We have decided to use a teenage girl to play YOUNG EVANGELINE and we will dress her in a child's dress and put a bow in her hair. To represent her purity we would like her to be in white, we would also like her hair to be tied back into a low pony tail. We will use minimum makeup.
To create YOUNG MICHAEL'S costume we will put a white shirt with a pair of chinos. This will show he is upper class but not modern. He is a older child at the time of MONA'S death. He will have his hair combed over.
We would like MONA to be in the bath at the time of her death so we plan to have her appear nude. Her hair and make up will be free and smudged to show she has been distressed. Her hair will be wet to start and end.
OLDER EVANGELINE, OLDER MICHAEL, And BROOKE Will all be dressed casually in the other part of the OS. They will all be dressed modern.

Some ideas foe YOUNG EVANGELINE'S Dress:


Idea's for YOUNG MICHAEL'S Costume:

MONA- Hair And Makeup

Modern Looks

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