Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Standby, Camera's Rolling, Action!

Chapter Six:

"Within the process of filming, unexpected situations occur."

Filming The Preliminary Film

Firstly, while preparing to film we made sure the space and set was suitable. We arranged the actors in their standard position and placed the camera at an eye level, wide shot distance to start. We focused the camera and prepared for standby.

I worked with Grace Phelps, Christina Kane and Georgina Heaton on this shoot. We took several shots including a wide shot, two over the shoulder shots, two close ups and one low level mid shot which only showed the lower half of the actor.
A Fellow Team Working With The Sony NX5
Me and Christiana were used as actors in this task but we filmed many of the scenes which didn't need the characters in.

To make sure this film could be put together with ease we filmed the scene all the way through on each shot. So both actors had to perform the same scene over ten times and the only thing that would change was the camera angle and level. 

The hardest part of filming this task was ensuring the continuity on the piece. I had to make sure the paper landed in the same place every take and make sure my hair was on the right side of the face even making sure I walked in on the right foot each time.

In all I think this shoot went really well and we good a decent amount of material in a very short amount of time. 

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