Thursday, 2 October 2014

About Me

Chapter One:

"When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea."

My name's Rebecca and this blog is dedicated to my AS media studies at Hurtwood House. I will be keeping a diary of all the work and research I do in this course. I am also currently studying English, Dance and Theatre. I hope to work in TV one day. I enjoy Thrillers, Drama's and Action films. One of the most important parts of present day media for me is a good soundtrack of film score. My favourite films are 'The Day After Tomorrow' (2004), 'Dirty Dancing' (1987) and 'Pride And Prejudice' (2005).

My favourite director is Lars von Trier (as a person and a filmmaker). I love all of his films especially Melancholia (2011) and The Nymphomaniac Vol. I and II. (2013) Yet I have strong opinions on whether the original five and a half version should have been cut to create the released four hour film. I believe that if a film is created to test and provoke the audience, it should do so to its full intention.

Melancholia (2011)

Antichrist (2009)

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