Monday, 14 March 2016

Evaluation Task One - Website

Website codes and conventions:

A home page - there will always be a home page to let the audience know who and what they're viewing. Usually there will be a photograph with rock bands because it is important to see the star image on the website. The latest music video will also likely be shown on the home page, this can be seen on the Arctic Monkey's website.

If you scroll down on our home page you can see the video. This is important as it is the main product for our audience.

Tour dates will also have their own page or tab. This is a way of giving the audience the opportunity to see the band live. This could also lead to meeting people who are interested in the same music.

The Arctic Monkey's have a forum which is a chat page where fans can interact and post threads about the band. There are also pages for them to discuss things that have nothing to do with the music or people in the band. 

The font and name of the band is in a very simple black and white font, it is also quite an informal font which shows the nature of the band.

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