Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Genre, Audience and Institutions

Chapter Twenty-Three:

 "Greenland is a wonderful country..."

Genre, Audience and Institutions 

An audience's attention relies heavily on the genre of a film. It allows them to predict and understand the film they're planning on watching. If people want to see a horror, they expect to be scared during parts of the movie and terrified to go to sleep that night once its finished. If someone wants to see a hardcore action movie they won't want to find themselves watching a movie about a couple's long distance relationship and the troubles they suffer in between.

Institutes and directors have different views on genres and how they should look and evolve but each genre will have similar set, plot and props. The institute will also make sure the right actor is cast to correctly portray the character. Certain actors are archetypes and are associated with different genres.

A movie trailer will be made specifically to show the genre of the film. The producers will assure this and the audience will look out for it.
For example: Jane Eyre will instantly;y come across as a romantic period drama. An audience will understand from the trailer that it isn't an action film or a thriller/horror as there are no action scenes and no serial killers.

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